Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Removing Negative Stereotypes about Pakistan

Internationalization is definitely a two way street. It helps you get to learn about your host community as well as your help them know about your own community and in this way once you get back it helps you to tell your own community about the negative perceptions they might have or something they do not know of.

Before coming here, I have had some negative stereotypes about Africans Americans. But after coming here, staying with them, sharing culture and traditions with them, I have discovered that they are absolutely amazing. I have formed some great friendships too. :)

On the other hand, due to front-line position of Pakistan in Media and all the consequences of terror activity, people around the world have had a bad image about it. And this something we as Pakistani as facing as our biggest challenges. This needs to be addressed as there is so much in Pakistan that media does not show. I think this Global UGRAD Program gave me an opportunity to talk about it and present a positive insight about Pakistan.

My friends, and colleagues here and the general public whoever met me amazed me by the stereotypes they have had. Some include:
  • Do you ride on camels to school as it a dessert area? (Trust me, Pakistan has a rich fertile land, and only 5 deserts which are not widespread)
  • Do you use cellphones? (They were shocked me using an iPhone. We have a progressing IT and Telecommunications industry. )
  • Asians are Chinese. Pakistanis are South-Asians. (Wow)
  • Strict Parents
  • Pakistani Women are backward. (After watching my Country Presentation and my progress in University their views changed)
  • Bloodshed, Terrorism
These were some of the stereotypes that Americans had about Pakistan. I'm removing these stereotypes through interacting with them and telling them about the positive side of Pakistan.

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